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UTAMansion Roleplay


Teto's Territory
Alright :wink: here we go! I wanted to start an UTAU roleplay about a mansion where UTAUloids live, so here we go :3
2= No sexual stuffs please~
3= Pairings are allowed, but owners of both UTAUloids in pairing must apply willingly
4= HAVE FUN :love:

EDIT: Soon we might have enough people to sgtart the RP! Just A few more...

Simply Fill Out This Form (up to 2 UTAUloids per person, please!):

Voice Type: (High, Low, Soft, Strong, Gravelly, Smooth?)
Appearance (Link Pic or Describe The UTAUloid):
Height: (not required)
Weight: (not required)

Here's my forms:

Name: Nana NekoRe
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Neko Android
Voice Type: High, Soft
Appearance: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/174/1/c/nana_nekore_official_re_design_by_kitsuyeonana-d6aa6dg.jpg
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 124 lbs.
Personality: Sweet, shy, and calm, she stutters when she speaks and usually hides from anyone she's afraid of. She floats most of the time instead of walking, and she's highly Trypophobic.
Dislikes: Dogs, Demons, Sharp Objects
Likes: Cats, Rainbows, Drawing

Name: DENKi
Age: 19 (1,000)
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Voice Type: Dark, Low
Appearance: http://25.media.tumblr.com/a1dac4bb94f252624c05fe280be90045/tumblr_miqzckiVby1s4l8pvo1_1280.jpg
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 136 lbs.
Personality: Grumpy, irritable, and he has mild schizophrenia.
Dislikes: Humans
Likes: Blood, Cats, Dark places, calm.



Momo's Minion
Name: Rika Bion
Age: I'd like her to be ageless please
Gender: Female
Species: Korean/10% Cat
Voice Type: High-ish
Appearance: no concept artwork yet :sad:
Height: unknown
Weight: NEVER ask a woman their weight XD
Personality: split (different to mood swings btw) mainly tsundere or deredere(<---cliche's NOOOO)
Dislikes: dead fish, trolls, fungi and clusters of holes(Trypophobia DON'T google it!:cry:)
Likes: unknown


Momo's Minion
Name: Roarii
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Voice Type: I think Strong/soft idk yet XD
Appearance: Reference
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 102 lbs
Personality: Loud, obnoxious, and very passionate.
Likes: Cats, Music, Clothing, food.


Vanilla Wafer

Teto's Territory
ok this sounds fun
i dont rp much but i think ill join :smile:

Name: Ellie Rose
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Species: Catgirl
Voice Type: high, soft
Appearance (Link Pic or Describe The UTAUloid): http://images.wikia.com/utau/images/3/3c/Ellie_Rose.png
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 76 lbs
Personality: very sweet, honest and caring. shes really shy and a bit of a crybaby.
Dislikes: bullies, being hurt
Likes: cats, sleeping, fish, trying on cute clothes

Name: Tony Nova
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Dog boy
Voice Type: low and smooth
Appearance (Link Pic or Describe The UTAUloid): http://images.wikia.com/utau/images/7/70/Tony_Nova.png
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 105 lbs
Personality: sweet and kindhearted, a bit lazy and only likes doing things when he feels like it, but even then he'll put others before himself.
Dislikes: most vegetables, math, egoistical people.
Likes: dogs, stargazing, meat, video games


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Form Accepted~! :love:

Alright, we're starting the RP, but it's never too late to enter, so you can enter whenever you like in the RP :3

Nana stretched her arms out and stood up from her bed, she was ready for the day! After slipping on some socks, she floated down the large stairs to the main hallway, then turned left into the kitchen. "What to eat, what to eat..." She said to herself, rummaging the cabinets for a breakfast-snack.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Could I join, maybe? >w<

Name: Reicheru Nintone
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Super-Program
Voice Type: (High, Low, Soft, Strong, Gravelly, Smooth?) High,Strong, Smooth
Appearance (Link Pic or Describe The UTAUloid): Reference
Height: 4"1'
Weight: 43 kg

Personality:[sub]A hyperactive, cheery, and outgoing little girl with an extraordinary addiction to video games.Her unique psychic abilities (telekinesis) are her key traits. Reicheru tends to use them for simple things like cleaning, or just moving around. [/sub]

Dislikes:Mathematics, Doctors, Jewelry, Bullies
Likes:Video Games, Nintendo(company), Jazz, Bubble baths, Doodling, Cityscapes


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Oh yay! Thanks! :love:

Welp, here goes. :3

Reicheru sluggishly sat up on her bed, and yawned somewhat loudly. After a moment of collecting herself from her sleep, she quickly went to work on preparing herself for the day. Finally, after pinning her last pigtail, she telepathically opened the door, and began to levitate her way downstairs, her Super Mario plushie in hand.

When she finally made her way downstairs, she could hear a faint sound coming from the kitchen. "I wonder.." She whispered to herself, before levitating straight for the kitchen. She slowly peeked over to see what was doing that sound. Soon, she knew it wasn't a what, but a who. "Good Morning!" Reicheru said sweetly to Nana.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Nana was startled and accidentally knocked over the box of cereal she had planned to eat, but luckily it was closed.
"O-Oh, hi R-Reicheru..." She stuttered, slowly picking up the box of cereal and placing ti back on the counter. Nana still wasn't quite used to living with all the other UTAUloids, and couldn't help but stutter short replies to all of them. "G-Goodmorning." She added quietly.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
"Oh! Sorry I startled you Nana.." Reicheru apologized, rubbing the backside of her head. Afterwards, she made her way toward the dining room, and placed her plushie onto one of the chairs. "Save my spot, kay Mario?" She cooed to her stuffed hero, before heading back toward the kitchen where Nana was. Reicheru smiled over to Nana. "So your a morning person, I'm guessing?" Reicheru asked nervously.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
"Y-Yes..." Nana poured the milk into her bowl of cereal and nervously started eating it, "A-Are you, R-Reicheru?"
She couldn't think of anything else to say, she was horrible at having conversations, which she regretted.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
"Honestly, I'm not..but I guess today is an exception." Reicheru replied with a giggle. She then made her way toward the large pantry, and with her hands, levitated cookies and and other unhealthy, sugary snacks out from the pantry. Then she began her small trek back towards the dining room. She looked over at Nana and winked over at her. " Don't tell anyone about this! They'll take my dessert privileges away if they found out! " with that, she took a seat with her plushie.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
"O-Oh... o-ok." Nana slowly nodded, confused but loyal to not tell.
She then continued eating her cereal. She knew that what Reicheru was doing was wrong, but she didn't want to get her in trouble and she didn't want Reicheru to be mad at her. She silently watched the clock tick, swallowing each spoonful slowly, unsure of what to do after breakfast.


Ruko's Ruffians
Name: Utahoshi Akuyou
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Demon
Voice Type: highish strong
Appearance (Link Pic or Describe The UTAUloid): Being designed
Height: (not required): 1.78M
Weight: (not required) n/a
Annoying. Tsundere. Curious. Wants to know secrets but will never talk about his own. Jealous, paranoid and can be obsessive. Can act like an idiot but never let down your guard. (he's me only Male)
Dislikes: Betrayal
Likes: Finding out information

Name: Utahoshi Natsumi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human/ghost
Voice Type: High and strong.
Appearance (Link Pic or Describe The UTAUloid): being designed
Height: (not required) 1.73M
Weight: (not required) n/a
She has two personalities.
She's either really clingy and happy and smiling or she's serious, almost scary. When she's scary, she'll grin creepily and stare.
She's really honest and can be yandere.
Dislikes: being alone
Likes: Hugging and touching[/align]


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
(Welcome Domoness! :3 )

Reicheru quickly picked up small candies one by one, and dropped them into her mouth. She then gingerly placed one of the candies onto her stuffed Mario's mouth, before eating it. " So what do you think about that candy, huh Mario? Good right?" Reicheru told the toy. She giggled and hugged Mario tightly. "Thank you, Nana!" She cried, but not too loud to wake up the other UTAU.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
(Domo, form accepted! :love: )

"Y-You're welcome..." She put the empty bowl in the sink and floated out into the living room to look around, when the glass doors to the backyard caught her eye. She flew over to the doors and slid them open to go out into the backyard and sit down on a swing hanging from a large oak tree.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
After a minute or so of gobbling candy, she stuffed the extra into her plushie, and began her trek toward the gaming room. "Wii U! Wii U!" She cheered, gallantly.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Sitting outside alone, Nana began to sing "Love Is War" under her breath, staring at the cloudy sky above her. It was one of her most favorite songs, and she sang it all the time.