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UTAMansion Roleplay


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Reicheru bent down to her level, and smiled sweetly. she gingerly placed her soft pale hand onto Nana's shoulder. "Well, maybe your brother doesn't see the best in you. Your an amazing robot, and a great friend! Please don't cry. You just need to open up, is all..'


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
"W-Well... I g-guess Denki does h-hate everybody..." She stood up slowly and collected herself, "s-so I guess it's not p-personal. And... h-how do I o-open up?"


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Reicheru thought for a moment before replying, " think positive! Once you think about the happy side of life, everything around you will change!"


Momo's Minion
(I'm going to jump in if it's okay.) c;

Roarii groaned loudly as her alarm clock beeped. "Are you serious!?" She shouted, and then quickly quieted down- remembering that she wasn't alone anymore. She recently moved into this mansion- and the other UTAU like her had given her a home in it. She was newly created, and she could barely sing yet- but she didn't let that stop her. She crawled out of her bed, and across the wooden floor to stop her alarm. She stood up and yawned, while she reached for her bungie so she could wrap her hair in a bun. The process of getting dressed took rather long for her. Finally, in her causal day time outfit, (She organizes outfits. -w-) She sprinted down the stairs, almost falling at the bottom. No one was there. "Hellooooooooouuu?" She called, looking around the area.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Nana's head snapped up, "I scanned o-out another U-UTAUloid, someone e-else is a-awake... I think i-it's Roarii." Nana had internal scanners that let her locate anyone like a radar, which was useful to her if she was ever looking for someone.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Reicheru perked up, slightly. "Really? Awesome! Someone else is awake! Let's go find 'em!"


Momo's Minion
Roarii turned around to see another UTAU- And She thought she went by the name Rika. "Oh! Hi! Hey- do you know what they have for breakfast around here? I am soooooo hungry!" She exclaimed, rubbing her stomach while balancing on her heels. Because of her impatience, Roarii began to go through the kitchen cabinets- and searched for a source of food.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Nana Slowly floated through the house and peeked nervously around the corner of the kitchen doorway, cautiously inspecting the area. She saw Roarii rummaging through the cabinets and she simply stared for what felt like quite a while.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Reicheru followed closely behind, looking around in curiosity. "Did you find her, yet?" Reicheru whispered. Suddenly, Reicheru saw Nana peeking over to something. Reicheru slowly peeked over Nana's shoulder. There, searching in the cubbard, was Roarii, along with a sleepy Rika. " Yay! More Utau!" Reicheru cried, waving her hands vigorously. "Hi!Hi! Morning!!"


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Nana was startled again by Reicheru's excitement and accidentally flew into the ceiling, falling down onto the floor. She discarded having hit her head on the ground, and simply wondered if any other UTAUloids were awake, and started scanning again. Rika, Roarii, and Reicheru were already awake, but who else would join them before it was time for singing lessons?


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Reicheru jolted at the sudden outburst, before quickly realizing the robot on the floor. "Ah! Sorry! Are you alright, Nana? I'm sorry..." Reicheru tried to pick her up, but as a weakling, she only we my so far..


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
"I-I'm fine, t-thank you, R-Reicheru..." She nodded and brushed herself off, not able to pick up any other awake UTAUs.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Reicheru smiled brightly to Hikari, as she waved vigorously at her. "Goood Morning, Hikari!!!" She cried, almost forgetting the other sleeping UTAU.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
((I was actually awaiting for someone else to post...XD ))

"Ohh yaaay! Cupcakes~!" Reicheru cried, nearly finished with it. Once finished, her mouth was frosted with frosting! She tried her best to lick most of it off, but to no avail.