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Contest Want to have a Tuning Contest/Festival?


Retired User
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Defender of Defoko
@_caustic_ I see it as an option for those who cant decide/dont have time to pick which song to do or dont know many songs that are in english with a ust.

@stormylullaby If we remove the optional song I still think most people would still pick some of the more popular and known songs. Mostly because they know them and mostlikely like the way they sound. But I can see how the optional could affect some people outside the forum to bellive its only for that song.


Your local Mikotard
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Defender of Defoko
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Hey, guys. Sorry for the really late reply, especially since the current poll's deadline is becoming more and more closer OTL I'll be honest, I enjoyed seeing you guys argueing haha.

After putting much thought about, I am personally very split with both sides; the Tuning Festival is for UTAU users to enjoy and show off their tuning and it is most likely they will think of tuning a more popular song (in siding with the originals by the "celebrity" producers) but at the same this festival can really help boost awareness of lesser known originals since it will be year-round (in siding with the originals with the lesser known producers).

Looking at @_caustic_ 's latest post, removing the optional song would easily solve this mess. Another way to easily solve this mess would be the chance that one of the songs by the "lesser" known producers turns the tide by getting the most number of votes. Then again, as I led the development of this festival, it is partially my fault for this mess happening in the first place. I apologize on how messily I led things m(_ _)m especially with the lack of voting deadlines OTL.

Since the festival's development is progressed by our decisions and only a handful (understandably) stated their opinion on the matter, I made a poll on how this should be settled.

The poll is in another thread since one thread can only handle one poll at a time and since using a third-party site to hold a poll for a salty arguement as this, votes can be easily exploited by using multiple devices to vote multiple times.

Since the voted optional Japanese song is "popular" yet no one complained about it, I also added an option for featuring songs by lesser know producers for only the optional English songs. Feel free to state if there should be more options.

Voting ends in 2 weeks. Voting for the optional English song (should it pursue) is extended to match.


Your local Mikotard
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Defender of Defoko
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Well, all polls are now closed! Since they are the final polls, locked, I'll be just leaving them where they are.

The optional songs will still push through as before in the beginning with Karma being the optional English song.

The introductory video is being made by @Miawerz, @Info-Chan, and I to be uploaded by @xShadowxXIII. Hopefully it will done soon!


Your local Mikotard
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Defender of Defoko
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Reviving this thread as the Tuning Festival is now going to be affiliated with the UTAU Human Project (as in they will help out create the introductory video and will co-host the event) and will start at around November of this year! Sorry for the really long project hiatus OTL

Since it's been a long time since discussion, I'll have to ask the community a few things:

1. Should there still be optional songs? (If there is, it will slow down the progress of the introductory video, by the way.)
2. Instead of restricting the contest to just until the end of this year, how about making it a winter tuning fest so it'll last up to March of next year?
3. Anyone willing to help out with the introductory video? We are currently accepting anyone who can tune talkloid well to help out!

I won't be putting up a poll for this since we really want well-thought out responses for the festival to push through (this time for real OTL).

Mougeki Mero

Defoko's Slaves
Defender of Defoko
1. Should there still be optional songs? (If there is, it will slow down the progress of the introductory video, by the way.)
I personally dont thnk they are a con nor a pro. Maybe it's best to get rid of them? This also could avoid any controversy as for the song choosen.
2. Instead of restricting the contest to just until the end of this year, how about making it a winter tuning fest so it'll last up to March of next year?
I like this idea, it helps a lot to those with less time like me.
3. Anyone willing to help out with the introductory video? We are currently accepting anyone who can tune talkloid well to help out!
I guess I can do some decent talkloid? However even if I am acceptable, I guess I cant help much due to being busy with life orz
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Your local Mikotard
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Defender of Defoko
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I personally dont thnk they are a con nor a pro. Maybe it's best to get rid of them? This also could avoid any controversy as for the song choosen.

I like this idea, it helps a lot to those with less time like me.

I guess I can do some decent talkloid? However even if I am acceptable, I guess I cant help much due to being busy with life orz

Thank you for the feedback! I forgot to mention, the talkloid is in English ^^;
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Your local Mikotard
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Defender of Defoko
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reviving this, but for when is that talkloid needed? I guess I could help depending on when it should be done?
We're hoping to get everything done by November 30th at the very latest but we're having a bit of trouble in scripting.

If anyone's free to help even with just scripting, please feel free to contact me!
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