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X-Sampa Fanclub


making doper vocaloid music than the rest
Defender of Defoko
I'd like to join, actually. I kinda want to make a versatile multi-lingual UTAU. Hey Adlez, is your LEXYS reclist limited to just English?


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter

Also, the currently released reclist is just the core list, which I use for English because that's my native language. I have written extensions for seven languages so far, and I'm planning at least three more.
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Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I'm enjoying Delta a lot and I'm beginning to really appreciate the usefulness of UTAU-usable IPA.

Can I please get in? :3


Momo's Minion
So this in IPA, and x-sampa lacks some things I think for showing this, but I found a site that maps sound files/narrow transcriptions of words in different English accents-

might be very useful combined with a re-config of Cz's new Core VCCV English. Currently in process of x-sampa-ing her OTO for my personal use. I may convert some USTs to x-sampa VCCV manually after that.
The site also has modes for other languages as well!
Thank you for reminding me, I have it linked now.
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Momo's Minion
The American a seems to be a centralized ä (in IPA) not A(x-sampa) or the Japanese / latin [a] but I can't find a way too mark centralized x-sampa vowels... maybe a: though technically that means a longer [a] not ä... but given that UTAU already has symbols for conveying length of vowels via the piano roll, any long vowels aren't necessary. It also solves the fact that I can't umlaut a consonant for centralized V.... 'V:'... I've long been planning a list with reduced vowels, 1, 8, and }. I've also noticed that with narrow transcriptions, Ii and Uu are common occurrences in pronunciation...


Defender of Defoko
What a are you talking about?

In American English there are in theory 3 different aw like sounds depending in wheter or not a voice has the cot-caught merger or not.

dyne 智優

Shoutbox Lurker™
Defender of Defoko
The American a seems to be a centralized ä (in IPA) not A(x-sampa) or the Japanese / latin [a] but I can't find a way too mark centralized x-sampa vowels... maybe a: though technically that means a longer [a] not ä... but given that UTAU already has symbols for conveying length of vowels via the piano roll, any long vowels aren't necessary. It also solves the fact that I can't umlaut a consonant for centralized V.... 'V:'... I've long been planning a list with reduced vowels, 1, 8, and }. I've also noticed that with narrow transcriptions, Ii and Uu are common occurrences in pronunciation...
I thought /V/ is the centralised [a] and not /A/. Oh, well... The more you learn XD.
Centralised [a] would be [a_"] in X-SAMPA.
Also, /Uu/ and /Ii/ are actually not that accurate, those are only ad hoc symbols. It should be [u_+u] and [i_-i] , respectively.
(if i'm not mistaken ;3)

Tomato Hentai

dont call me a veggie
Defender of Defoko
I kinda wanna join even though I'm horrible at remembering X-SAMPA phonemes and I keep getting a bunch of them mixed up.
Hopefully one day I'll be better at recalling which X-SAMPA phoneme is which purely from memory.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Well crap, I thought I joined this last year. Guess I never got around to it.

Hello! Mind if I join so I can get some news about X-SAMPA? (I'm still trying to learn how to use and read it, so. . .)


making doper vocaloid music than the rest
Defender of Defoko
There's not exactly news on it, but we can certainly help.


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Well crap, I thought I joined this last year. Guess I never got around to it.

Hello! Mind if I join so I can get some news about X-SAMPA? (I'm still trying to learn how to use and read it, so. . .)
You're in.


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Welcome to the club! Welcome to UTAforum as well. Nice to say hi again.