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  1. J

    What Happened to Bowl Roll?

    Whenever I try to access a link to any bowl roll download, it says the page is not available. Whenever I try to access the site directly, the downloads won't load at all. What happened to the website? Are the downloads gone for good?
  2. Shanrock

    MMD/Bowlroll password help!

    I've been spending almost the whole day trying to figure the password out, I would appreciate it so much if someone could help me out with this. I feel like I'm overthinking it somehow @_@ https://bowlroll.net/file/207641 https://ch.nicovideo.jp/enoeco/blomaga/ar1812474 Password hint 1...
  3. Kazumimi

    【Sukone Tei (健音テイ)】The Snow White Princess is... (白い雪のプリンセスは) 【UTAUカバー】

    Hello! I just wanted to share my cover + MMD of "The Snow White Princess is" with Tei! I linked both the YouTube and NND links so... watch it on whichever platform you prefer, I suppose! :wink: I hope you all enjoy! :sing: YouTube | NicoNico
  4. Howlcifer

    2 Models MMD password (sexi boooys)

    Hello! I've been trying to find out the passwords for these two sexy boys. http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im9220325 http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im8099875 The franchise is "Bungo and Alchemist Maabo" an online game. Passwords hints are "Pass continues the Izu dancers in hiragana 14"...
  5. WanderingFox

    Help Figuring Out MMD Models Password

    I know there's probably hundreds of other posts like these so please forgive me if anyone is annoyed by this but I just really need some help. Hopefully this won't be too difficult as I was able to figure out some bits of the hints. So the first model I'm trying to sort out the password for is...
  6. RosyKitteh

    No Logic UST Download

    You can find the download links below There are other No Logic USTs around the Web, but there's nothing like making a UST yourself. Be warned that I used VSPitch when making this, so there are some really messy pitchbends. Download my UST Google Drive Please tell me if you have problems...
  7. RosyKitteh

    Pinko Stick Luv UST & VSQx Download

    Look below for download links. I couldn't find a Pinko Stick Luv UST anywhere. I was really surprised since it is such a popular song. I made my own. Even though it's not very good, please consider using it. I also made a VSQx version, which I've updated recently. Download the UST Google...
  8. D

    Bowlroll help?

    Can someone help me figure out what the creator's hint is asking for to DL this? I tried using Google Translate to translate from Japanese to English, but the translation was jumbled and the hint was not very clear, so I don't know what exactly it is I'm supposed to figure out in order to solve...
  9. S

    Help with Bowlroll Password

    So, I've tried my best using google translate, but this password seems to be particularly difficult to crack, the "hint" is as follows : ヒプマイモデルのパスは該当キャラの年齢算用数字2文字+身長漢数字4文字+ソロ曲の曲名+所属チームで何番手か漢数字1文字+MCNAMEです。記号やスペースはなし、英数字は半角です。 Which seems (according to google translate) to be the character's...
  10. D

    Help with Bowlroll Pass?

    Can someone help me figure out what the creator means by what's written in the description for the password on this model? This is the most bizarre password case I've ever attempted to figure out. It's written in Japanese, I've tried translating to English and the hint makes absolutely no sense...
  11. Mowthan

    MMD Bowlroll Password

    Hi, I'm having trouble figuring out the password to a bowlroll mmd file. I have tried everything I can think of now, and although I love a challenge, I really can't see the solution. I hate having to trouble other people for help, but here's to hoping someone can point me in the right...
  12. Lady of Hell

    Open PayPal Art Cheap DeviantART commissions available.

    Cheap Commissions available 2 current free slots (3 in total) Modeling outfits are 6 US Dollars Characters are 3 US Dollars for each character (1 additional Dollar for each revisit) Otoing varies in the amount of files in need of otoing. Animation Varies in how long the animation is...
  13. marshmink

    MMD Model Request

    Hi!! I really want a model of my UTAUloid, Okaru Itsuto, but I can't do it myself. Someone please help me!!! Body base: (Don't change anything, the colors are already fine!!) Hair: The third one please. (Once again, colors already match!!) Top: (sweater2, I have made a custom texture for...
  14. Hue

    Looking for a male VB

    The one I currently have for Akira doesn't really fit with his design, so I'm looking for a voice that fits! I am thinking of using the current voice I got before for a new UTAU :love: Name your price // or I can do MMD clothing / 3D low poly stuff Here's examples http://fav.me/dcualzh I'd...
  15. jasmin00

    UTAU Aino Erufu 5th Anniversary

    Voicebank download : Link MMD model download : Link My UTAU Aino turned 5 yo today! >w<)/ My baby!
  16. StarchaserUTAU

    Open Seeking a male voice provider+ Oto-ing

    Greetings, thanks for coming by or at least viewing this message, I am a newcomer to Utau, the program included and have been wanting to take my passions in just making things, to putting them into more platforms. While I would have liked to put my own voice to Seishi * the utau * I do not have...
  17. Dangosan

    Closed MMD Collab: Teto Day 10

    As you know, UTAU and Teto Kasane is 10 years old by now. I really want to make a model for Teto Day, but I'm going to be on a tight schedule starting this month. I thought that it would be a good idea to celebrate this Teto Day together with making a special anniversary model. RULES: You must...
  18. UTAUKimi-Yamamoto

    MMD model part request: Shirt

    I'm making a MMD model for my UTAU and I can't seem to find the right shirt for her. Her shirt is a white scoop neck T-shirt with extra short sleeves with pink trim on the collar. Unfortunately I have no skills/experience in Blender or anything to make one myself so if someone could make that...
  19. Kyomiii

    One Hikari ||Crystalline|| - Tougen renka 【UTAUカバー】

    Hello!!! :sing: I just wanted to share this cover of my UTAU that I uploaded some months ago. My friend Mitsurai (Go and check channel <3) did the cover and I did the MMD video. I really hope that you like it! If you have any critique about the video I would be so happy of can read it :love:
  20. Puppy

    MMD Pass help

    Anyone know the pass for https://bowlroll.net/file/133631 (original video: ) As you need it to unzip it and put it in anotehr folder (e.g. a motions folder)?