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BAD Popular voicebanks?


Momo's Minion
Don't mention intentionally made bad UTAUs, just UTAUs that really want to be serious or a voice that wasn't intentionally made to be bad.

Personal opinion: 1-Sai/Kane Tomo
Reason: Windows 100% has better voicebanks than Kane Tomo, and people only focus on Kane. 1-Sai is NOT a bad voicebank per se; it's just bad compared to its peers with better concepts, voices, and designs.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Kasane Teto is not a bad voicebank, yet is very poor quality for what one would expect from the Hatsune Miku of utau.
Yokune Ruko Male Whisper has a very slim range and strange accent.
Yamine Renri has way too much noise
Shikoku Metan's utau has so much noise that someone I showed her to thought it was a growl voicebank.
Mine Laru's Query voicebank is one of his most popular yet his worst publicly available.
All of the Macne voicebanks have weird accents and deserved vcv voicebanks.


Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
This is a poor taste thread in my opinion. UTAU tend to be made by peers, not big companies, so it feels mean spirited to just call them bad and openly disparage them.
I will keep an eye on this thread and if I feel it becomes out of hand I will lock it. I don't believe it was made in bad faith, but I felt I should give a heads up.

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