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OpenUTAU English VB reccomendations?


Momo's Minion
I've been trying to find some new vb that are easy to use, like Teto, since im a silly lil newbie that has no idea what their doing. I figured I can consult the forum for helps so yea show them vb's


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Kasane Teto's English voicebank is not beginner-friendly, even with OpenUtau. I recommend using voicebanks recorded by native english speakers. Look for voicebanks in ARPAsing format, VCCV format, or X-SAMPA encoding, which will be compatible with the OpenUtau phonemizers. The most common X-SAMPA encoded reclists are the ones written by Delta, so you may also see those voicebanks labeled as "Delta English".

For ARPAsing voicebanks you can browse this directory: https://arpasing.neocities.org/en/directories/voicebanks
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Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I could recommend my English voicebank? It's a monopitch VCCV! I am working on a 5-pitch multiexpression Arpasing! Probably won't be released until July though XD

English Voicebank


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Kasane Teto's English voicebank is not beginner-friendly, even with OpenUtau. I recommend using voicebanks recorded by native english speakers. Look for voicebanks in ARPAsing format, VCCV format, or X-SAMPA encoding, which will be compatible with the OpenUtau phonemizers. The most common X-SAMPA encoded reclists are the ones written by Delta, so you may also see those voicebanks labeled as "Delta English".

For ARPAsing voicebanks you can browse this directory: https://arpasing.neocities.org/en/directories/voicebanks
Ohh thats actually really helpful! The reason I used Teto as an example is that most VCCV vb I've found have breathy voices and they are hard to properly tune as a result. I'll keep those in mind tho!


Momo's Minion
Here are some that I have used in the past. I prefer VCCV personally so those are the ones I usually use:

AICA (has a bit of a british (?) accent, but is relatively easy to use and cute)
Ami Taiyo (found her cuz someone said she sounds a lot like GUMI english, and I kinda agree)
Anna Nyui "DIVA" (pretty good quality and range)
Juni Ginkuro "Soft" (has a really good sound and one of my favorite soft-sounding english VBs. They also have a stronger sounding VB called "bright")
Kumi Hitsune (A bit wonky if you only use the VCCV phonemizer without changing anything here and there, but relatively easy to use)
Shiki Sakasa "Alycon" (Also a bit wonky with phonemizert. Really powerful and cool imo)
Yami Ryone (My favorite english voicebank, so I have used it a lot. Sometimes needs a bit of tweaking)

Have also used Milk (An arpasing VB that has 4 different voice expressions , normal, falsetto, power and whisper which helps making them more expressive. If you're unsure about how voice colors work I can show you how to set it up)

Hope this helps ~


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Here are some that I have used in the past. I prefer VCCV personally so those are the ones I usually use:

AICA (has a bit of a british (?) accent, but is relatively easy to use and cute)
Ami Taiyo (found her cuz someone said she sounds a lot like GUMI english, and I kinda agree)
Anna Nyui "DIVA" (pretty good quality and range)
Juni Ginkuro "Soft" (has a really good sound and one of my favorite soft-sounding english VBs. They also have a stronger sounding VB called "bright")
Kumi Hitsune (A bit wonky if you only use the VCCV phonemizer without changing anything here and there, but relatively easy to use)
Shiki Sakasa "Alycon" (Also a bit wonky with phonemizert. Really powerful and cool imo)
Yami Ryone (My favorite english voicebank, so I have used it a lot. Sometimes needs a bit of tweaking)

Have also used Milk (An arpasing VB that has 4 different voice expressions , normal, falsetto, power and whisper which helps making them more expressive. If you're unsure about how voice colors work I can show you how to set it up)

Hope this helps ~
im gonna download them rn this is PERFECT :DDDD

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