UTSU - A cross-platform vocal synth frontend


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
It's not easy to do, but it's possible. You'll need a program called wine32on64 that lets you run 32-bit programs on the latest Mac versions. The "moresampler.sh" file here has instructions on how to install wine32on64.

Then you can write the following bash script:

LANG="ja_JP.UTF8" wine32on64 "/absolute/path/to/your/resampler.exe" "${@,-1}"

and you should be able to give that script to Utsu instead of the usual resampler/wavtool executable.
I'm sorry to bother you again, but would I just type "#!/bin/bash
LANG="ja_JP.UTF8" wine32on64 "/absolute/path/to/your/resampler.exe" "${@,-1}"" in the usual text box where it says resampler in the project settings?


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
You can create a new file using TextEdit or your plain text editor of choice, write that code, and save it as a file with a ".sh" extension.
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