help wanted

  1. Rayven-Merleloid

    Project Merleloid Help!

    Hello, my name is Jade. i write the lyrics for Merleloid. we are going to post in about a week our ORIGINAL song (friends?) but we need some help. things we need -an Artist we need a person the can cover off my sketches and make A BEAUTIFUL masterpiece for music video's - a translator we don't...
  2. Rayven-Merleloid

    Make a song?

    Lately i have been writing alot of lyrics and i have been wanting to turn them into a song, sadly i suck so bad at making instrumentals in FL and in GB when i work with them. In my UTAU group we try our best to bring our feelings and true colors out threw voice and song. (we accept anyone uvu)...
  3. Yue Koromo (挙母越)

    Sounds to record question

    Hey everyone! So yesterday, I printed off a list of sounds to record from this source I noticed that this is...well a lot...more than what a basic bank would contain. My questions are... Are these sounds for a VCV bank? Should I trust this source? Do you have any...
  4. HoneyPai

    MMD model base request?

    hello all~ So I've been recently trying to update my mmd model for my utau, Makne Nitton And I can't seem to find a downloadable large chested base, so I was wondering if anyone could link me to a model/base with a huge chest, or if someone would be willing to take a base request. I've found...
  5. megalegozero

    *RESOLVED*I need some help with something!

    EDIT: I'VE DECIDED TO MAKE THE VOICEBANK AN APPEND CALLED BOOST So I had recently recorded a voicebank(and the OTO is being worked on), but I'm not sure whether or not I should make it an append for one of my UTAUs. When I was recording I kept in mind that I wanted some sort of append for my...
  6. PanTran

    I Need Card Ideas for "UTAU Against Humanity"

    So I'm creating a fun UTAU themed card-deck for CAH, and I need LOTS of ideas! I've already got roughly 30 cards of each type, but that just isn't enough! So I'd love it if you could comment with your card ideas, as many as you can think of! Preferably put each card on a new line, so it's easier...
  7. Madam Meisaki

    Looking to collab!

    I made a beautiful instrumental song -- but I cant make any usts for crap. I was able to use my crappy voice to sing over it, but I really want to use an utau. The singing part I've made is basically just a guide for anyone who can or wants to make an ust for it. Please send me an inbox message...
  8. whiteglove

    Subscript STILL Out of Range!!!

    Okay, I'm using Windows 8, and I have no UTAU folder, no Uta or Def folder, and AppLocale is cancelled and unable to be downloaded. Every time I click "ok" the error just comes back. Behind the error is Japanese, despite the fact that I have the English Add-On in a folder named utau0413e-inst...
  9. whiteglove

    Subscript Out of Range

    Okay, I'm using Windows 8, and I have no UTAU folder, no Uta or Def folder, and AppLocale is cancelled and unable to be downloaded. Every time I click "ok" the error just comes back. Behind the error is Japanese, despite the fact that I have the English Add-On in a folder named utau0413e-inst...
  10. AoiAndroid

    UtaLis Error

    I downloaded UTAListener/Utaulis just fine, but whenever I try to use it, I get a popup error message saying I can't read the Japanese, but I don't know why I don't have UTAUlis.ini or why my computer is denying access. Is this a Windows 8 thing?
  11. LotteV

    /r/RealUTAU - A New UTAU Subreddit (Volunteers welcome!)

    Hello everyone. First of all, I don't know if this is posted in the correct forum, please correct this if wrong. Anyway, I would like to talk about a subreddit I created. It has been around for about a year now or so, but it was never really active - partially my own fault (oops). So that is...
  12. WretchedKalamity

    some notes wont play despite being recorded and otoed?

    So I just finished my screamo voicebank, and for some reason some of the notes just... refuse to play. I've tried re-recording, re otoing, re ailasing, everything! Here's what I mean: Can anyone help with this? I've tried everything but nothing will work...
  13. Fimbulvetr

    How to stop Utauloids from "breaking up" when they sing?

    EDIT: It's fixed, for the most part. I didn't even notice the missing vowels/hyphens at the beginning of some notes! However, I'll still be accepting any further advice you have to offer, as I am still far from mastering UTAU. :) I'm pretty new to Utau. I've done a couple covers with Sorane...
  14. I

    help with UTAUcolors?

    i just made a neat lil colour palette for utau, but whenever i open the program it doesn't apply the colours... anyone know how to fix this??? ; - ;
  15. PanTran

    Need Help Making UST For Original Song

    I am terrible at making USTs by ear, and that's a problem when I want to create an original song. It's really painful because I have the melody all planned out, and I know how I want it to sound, but I just can't translate that onto a UST. Is anybody willing to "Transcribe" a wav file I made of...
  16. PanTran

    Crowd Sourced UTAU project! Free to Join!

    So, i've gotten a bit sad that i can't make any more new UTAUs with my voice because they all sound to similar, but i have a better plan! An UTAU where every sample is a different person! That's right, for FREE, you can be part of this project! About the UTAU: This will be an agender UTAU...
  17. CHAKU

    oh wow another newbie

    Hey!! I'm new to Utau, it's really fun for me! Uh... My Utau charact's name is Mimiko, here's a drawing of them! I have them in romaji, which is no good because I can barely find and romaji usts... can someone help with that? Maybe link me to some? I'm looking for techno or pop stuff...
  18. Puritycandy

    MMD model for UST request (Please read!)

    Heyo! I have something I'd like to be made into a UST Anyone who can make this UST for me, i'll do an MMD model for. If necessary I can give you reference to my previous MMD models :3 I assure you, they're well done! I don't make USTs and honestly, I know I'd suck if I tried to make one. So...