
Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
You write it in notepad.

VCCV is a specific method, so unless you want to add to that list in the same format just with some missing sounds, you probably just want to make a new reclist generally speaking (aka it wont be VCCV anymore, because that's a specific thing).

But if you do just want to expand the current list(s), just open one in notepad and start adding lines. If you compare it to how it shows up in OREMO it should be fairly easy to make sense of what it does.

If you need a more specific answer on linguistics, let us know where you're getting stuck because the topic is a bit too broad to sum up.


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
I scrapped this idea completely, because of the lack of generators. Instead, I'll make a new method called CCVVCV. It will be a mix of CVVC and VCV, with extra CC recordings for consonant clusters.
So like the words "beekeeping" and "templates" will be [-bE][EkE][Epi][ing-] and [-te][em_][pl][lA][A_][ts-]. Dashes indicate beginning or end, and underscores indicate sounds connecting with the following plosives or affricates. Syllabic consonants will be made like this: CSCV (where S is syllabic) becomes [-C][CS][SC][CV][V-], or, if the C's are plosives or affricates, [-C][CS_][CV][V-].
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