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Momo's Minion
For more than a year ive been messing around with Yokune Ruko, with a yokune ruko kire + yokune ruko strained combined voicebank. However ive really been struggling when it comes to combining MORE of ruko's voicebanks. Id like to add the rest of Ruko's voicebanks to my already combined one. Ive seen other people do it, ideally id like to combine every single ruko male vb.
This is what id like to do:

Using yokune ruko kire as a base vb, id like to add the following to it:
Yokune Ruko ♂ KIRE / 欲音ルコ ♂ キレ ▻ Yokune Ruko ♂ WHISPER / 欲音ルコ♂ひそひそ
Yokune Ruko ♂ VCV (Monopitch) / 欲音ルコ♂連続音音源 Yokune Ruko ♂ CV WEAK / 欲音ルコ♂弱音源
Yokune Ruko ♂ CV / 欲音ルコ♂単独音音源 Yokune Ruko ♂ STRAIN / 欲音ルコ♂力み

Id like to combine all of these into a singular bank, however im really confused. I have trouble following instructions when they arent completely crystal clear, so after skimming the internet for literal months im still not sure if im supposed to rewrite the oto.ini or replace it again or anything else that i havent even thought of. Please treat me like a robot you're giving instructions to, my brain is very melted. Please help! Thank you in advance!!


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
In each oto.ini file, add suffixes to the aliases to distinguish which voicebank it came from.
Move all the subfolders into one parent folder. Make sure that only the main parent folder has a character.txt file.
In OpenUtau, open Tools > Singers and find your mega voicebank. Click the button for edit subbanks to add voice colors. Each voice color can correspond to one of the original voicebanks, and you can specify the pitches and suffixes for that voice color.


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Can you send me a photo of what the parent folder should look/ how it should be arranged like so i can visualize it? Also i dont use Openutau, im on UTAU. Is there a program that will automatically add suffixes to the oto.ini since its kinda laborous to do manually.. Should every sub folder have its own oto.ini? Should i leave the ruko kire files in the parent folder? Thanks so much for answering, for like 3 years i've been lurking this board, and i see you on basically every thread. having you respond is like a dream come true, dominic's voicebank is godly well made!! Thanks in advance!


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Oops, thought I already replied, but it was on the same topic in another thread. Should be the same answer though:

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