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  1. B

    OREMO Capital letter...

    Oremo doesn't see the difference between Capital letters and lowercase letters. I recorded the "kla" sample and it appeared on 4 samples: kla, kLa, klA, and kLA. How do I prevent this? And is it possible to use custom voicebanks in OpenUtau?
  2. Lyrexios Creator Guardian

    Lucas CV and VCV delay.

    Still didn't forget about this site and my promise to make a new CV nd VCV if possible. Only issue I'm now facing is that my irl voice just cracks ass. It will break in early notes and is not optimal for singing atm. I will practice with this but the chances for a new voicebank will probably be...
  3. voltqire

    extracting files

    SOOOO... i'm very much a new utau user. i'm trying to download matsudappoiyo's voicebanks, but none of them seem to be working. i've been extracting the files and everything since they're all zip files, but the only voicebank that worked was the retake warm voicebank. matsudappoiyo isn't the...
  4. argalia

    matsudappoiyo light cant sing

    hello!! im really new to utau and ive been wanting to use matsudappoiyo (light) for a while but i cant seem to make him to get sound i'm using hiragana and my locale is in japan, my installed plugins as of right now is the lyric diphonizer, i am aware this utau is a vcv, is there any help? sorry...
  5. Nythoma

    「UTAU arpasing[+] Release」 Angry ft. Thoma + UST / MIDI

  6. Mickey_Junebaaa

    Voicebank Mickey

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item Mickey. Please add to the discussion here.
  7. Mickey_Junebaaa


    Mickey (She/They) is a sheep person who is is very friendly and likes to sing and talk. They 're a small time popstar and sometimes can be found running errands for others (as long as it won't be too exhausting)
  8. leonardothehuman

    Kana Solver 3.0.0-RC1

    Do you like to compose music with UTAU?. music composing with synthesized voices may be fun, but dealing with how western computers deals with Japanese characters is not. UTAU was developed in Visual Basic 6 by a Japanese developer, and unfortunately, it does not run properly on western...
  9. IZUKO

    can someone edit my voicebank

    now people might think that I need oto but I want my voicebank to be edited so it can sound clean and fresh because I want the voicebank to be used in many vocal synthesizer software like VOCALOID, UTAU, SYNTHESIZER V, etc...
  10. HoodyP39

    TALQu - An Unofficial English guide thread on TALQu and it's voice model creation.

    Hey guys, HoodyP here! Recently, on 24th of December 2021, Haruqa (creator of TALQu) initiated the "Lightning Project Challenge" where the goal of the challenge was for people to create a TALQu model within a week. The point of the challenge, according to Haruqa, was to in fact, "reach a...
  11. T

    so i just downloaded teto's "edge voicebank" and it does not work, i followed yuunari's vid on how to get other voicebanks

    yes, i set the system localle to japan,i cut and pasted it into the voices folder, she does show up but she doesn't sing, im using a romanji to hiragana translator, 1637825807 should i try deleting teto and re isntalling again?
  12. Axel☆

    Voicebank Kokoro Seta ・ココロセタ

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item Kokoro Seta ・ココロセタ. Please add to the discussion here.
  13. Axel☆

    Kokoro Seta ・ココロセタ

  14. keitaiware

    Voicebank ROLI•POLI [Deleted]

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item ROLI•POLI. Please add to the discussion here.
  15. KrimsonDCLXVI

    Alternatives to Hakaine Maiko?

    I'm looking for a multi-pitch yelling, shouting, or screaming voicebank since she doesn't work for the song (punk not metal) I'm currently working on which requires multi-pitch yelling/shouting/screaming. Have any suggestions?
  16. bappo

    Recorded samples wrong and now Alias is wrong :(

    So, I was dumb and recorded "とぅ" as "tou". don't ask. i was dying of heat in my room when recording the files. so, uh, what do I do to fix this? because now when "u to" is called for, he says "o to". should i just find something where he says "u to" or something and have it call for that? i'm...
  17. D

    Kikyuune Aiko ACT3 CV JPN + EN's reclist

    Does anyone have Kikyuune Aiko's ACT3 CV JP + EN reclist? I really want *to make* a cv voicebank that has some english CV characters!!
  18. Daiko

    What is happening to my voicebank?

    Hello everyone! I am currently working in a new voicebank for my friend. He finished recordings and I immediately started to work on it. However, there is something wrong with the bank. The samples are normal, but there appears to be a problem with the FRQs OR WITH SOMETHING ELSE. Truth is: I...
  19. Yomi

    Open Is there anyone willing to oto my (acme iku inspired) cv voicebank?

    Hi I know I asked this before but I think it was in the wrong thread.. Anyway I have recorded a voicebank I was inspired my Acme iku and wanted to make a weird (kind of hentai sounding) bank. Btw her name is Breezy please is there anyone? I can't pay anything as I don't have any thing like that...
  20. Yomi

    Looking for someone to oto NSFW voicebank

    Hello! I'm new here. Well I just got a ero voicebank recorded (it was inspired by Acme Iku) I don't know if I'm allowed to ask it here, but anyways.. I don't know how to oto the voicebank or at least make it sound good :/ Anyone with experience would be a great help! Please DM me if it's...